Sorry... I am a little out of order here... but this is was July 30...Friday... just got the pics...!
Neena and Kelly Collins from Midwest Haunters Convention and the SCARE-A-TORIUM Haunted House in Columbus surprized us Friday, July 30 and stopped by for an exceptionally fun trip to Put-In-Bay on the Miller Ferry Boat... Both Neena and Kelly re-lived some old memories of thier last visit to the Island... Kelly remembers Lake Erie from his Coast Guard days and Neena told us a story about an old boyfriend and a state park camp-out and her hauling ALL the equipment, coolers and bikes over on the Ferry by herself... she dumped him shortly after-that... go figure... he/he!We rented a golf cart and buzzed around the Island on Island time... which means ANY time you want... stopping and doing whatever we wanted... whenever we wanted... it was GREAT... we toured Heineman's Winery and the Crystal cave... ate a nice lunch on a Veranda, ate chocolate, drank wine, beers, Bloody Mary's whiskey's and more... OH MY... I am so glad they were able to join us before Bob took off... I think we both needed a little diversion in our lives before the CRAZY Halloween season arrives...!
Beth LOVIN' on Crazy Bob at a beautiful outlook point on the Island... Neena thought it was romantic...! Left the Island on the 8:30pm ferry... came back to Fremont... went to Krogers and bought wine, spirits, cheese, crackers, grapes and more... and went out on the TEI Floating Pub patio and sat around the fire... and ate, drank some more and then jumped in the Hot Tub for a relaxing end to our busy day... woke up the next morning and took our two guests to Whitey's Diner for the Best Breakfast in Town... Thanks Neena and Kelly for the GREAT All-American send-off... Hey... Pirate weekend at the Bay... next year... 4th weekend in June... a couple weeks after MHC... I think it is a DATE.... let's see how many Haunter's want to be PIRATES that weekend... we could OWN that ISLAND!!!!! ARRRRGHHHHH Matey!
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